As we approach the second quarter of 2022 after a successful first quarter we need to mark all the important dates that you should sendan sms to your customer.All days are crucial for any business but we understand and believe that some dates customers deserve discount or communication.We have complied for you those dates that we feel your should remind your customer about any exciting offers or discounts. Discounts tend to increase ROI by approximately 15%.
April 1: April Fool’s Day
On this day many people don’t trust whatever people or business tells them but you can be crafty and witty and come up with a beliveable message e.g we know you have been fooled today, but here at nyamanyama we always mean business to rub off the disappointment we are going to give you 15% discount of every nyamanyama product
April 7: World Health Day
Let subscribers know you’ll donate a portion of every transaction to a charity to honor healthcare heroes and encourage them to shop.
April 17: Easter
To stand out from other spring holiday promotions and inspire users to convert, provide free gift wrapping to your SMS audience.